Saturday, July 13, 2013

Honestly, how hard is it to work from home?

When we think of work at home, we think "How hard can it be?" Or "It will solve all my problems". This can be true, but it's not as easy as you think. Don't get me wrong, what I do is simple and I truly enjoy it 100%, but it's so hard to keep to a schedule, to explain to family and friends that just because I'm home doesn't mean I'm doing nothing, to not get sidetracked by Facebook, Twitter, laundry, what the neighbors are doing..... You must have strong discipline, or develop it. I believe anyone can learn or develop the skills and leadership required to work for themselves, however, many have no desire.

When you are looking for work at home, keep in mind that you want a team of business partners whom are above average leaders and follow a schedule themselves. People tend to do what their leader does, so if you are being trained or working with a leader that is a total mess with no organaization, it is likely you will pick up their bad habits.

It's necessary to make and follow a schedule. Think in terms of what your schedule would be like if you worked for someone else or outside of your home. You would be working, and ONLY working, from a certain time to a certain time, then family time would be outside of those hours, and of course leisure and relaxation needs worked into your schedule, or you would go crazy! The luxury of being your own boss from home is that you can make a schedule that is to your liking, but the downfall is if you are not organized and disciplined, you may need to work hard at setting that schedule.

Despite the learning curve, and the difficulty in being accountable, working from home, especially for yourself is absolutely rewarding and worth it! As long as you are being realistic and seek a good coach/mentor, you can easily become successful.

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