Sunday, July 14, 2013

Avoid the Scatter Bomb!

Okay, so I've been doing this for quite some time now, and you would think I should know better. I even read the book "Your First Year in Network Marketing" by Mark and Renee Yarnell. There was a whole chapter dedicated to the scatter bomb! At the time, I made a solemn oath to myself as well as my team, that I would not fall victim to the scatter bomb. Well, I just did it again!

 If you're wondering what the scatter bomb is, it's exactly as it sounds. Here you are, trying to focus on building your home-based business, and along comes a new, better, faster way to make an obscene amount of money today! Just writing that makes me feel like an idiot! But I am putting my pride aside, so that hopefully I can help you avoid this. The scatter bomb can come in the form of a "better opportunity" which is pretty obvious, but it can be as sneaky as a little innocent product that will bring you more "targeted prospects".

 Of course, you are going to want to listen to some training from industry leaders: Dani Johnson, Joe Syverson, Mark Yarnell......but ONLY and if ONLY it is helping with your primary business. No one becomes successful and wealthy by being a jack of all trades and a master on none. In the beginning, I was trying to master way too many things at once, and not mastering anything but becoming frustrated and overwhelmed.

So I took my team leader's advice, and read the books they suggested for my personal development. The books helped bring clarity to my priorities....for awhile. Then one day, I was looking up some tips on blogging, and came across this cute face combined with a great article. BAM! Next thing I know, I am on the phone with him and he is selling me on a book and an affiliate marketing campaign.

Of course, the idea sounded great "If you advertise free videos to marketers to help them with their sales, prospecting, closing etc, you will make a little money on the front end, even if they don't join your business. These prospects are more targeted because they have an interest in the industry". Ok great, where do I sign up?? I couldn't give my credit card info fast enough!

 After a whole day of training for affiliate marketing (which I swore I would never do. Nothing against it, just not my cup of tea), I realized there were at least  7 more steps to this "simple" product training, and tons more "training" after that. A whole day lost, just gone and wasted. I didn't call back anyone from my ad campaigns, didn't post any new ads or blog entries, and wasted valuable time instead posting links for these "free" videos that came with their own autoresponders, and sales letters etc.....GRRRRR.

 Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing "wrong" with affiliate marketing. The problem here is when you work at home, it's easy to get distracted from focusing on your priorities (such as bringing in revenue!). Now it sounded good in theory, after all, the products were supposed to be bringing new prospects for my business. For me, it was overwhelming, exhausting,and counter-productive.

 Moral of the story: FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS  on what is going to bring you one step closer to your goals. If you are having a difficult time figuring out what that next step is, then get with your upline or a coach, and get it on paper. Don't get involved with everything that sounds like it will help, because then you will just be scattered. Find someone who has had success in the areas you want success and follow their advice!


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